Monday, November 27, 2006

Just What is Wrong With You Guys?

Mama didn't give you enough self-esteem? Read this and if it doesn't freak you out, you need help. Or need to be an ex-American. You decide:

Monday, November 20, 2006

John Fund on Affirmative Action

John Fund of the Wall Street Journal examines a new law in Michigan that does away with racial preferences and the near-hysteria of those folks against it.

The world turned upside-down indeed!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Want to stop a Civil War? Join a side!

From War and Piece:

"AS SECTARIAN violence rises in Iraq and the White House comes under increasing pressure to revamp its strategy there, a debate is emerging inside the Bush administration: Should the U.S. abandon its efforts to act as a neutral referee in the ongoing civil war and, instead, throw its lot in with the Shiites?"

Victory at any cost?