Sunday, February 13, 2005

Social Security Gridlock

Republicans caution Bush on Social Security:

Yeah, forget the whole thing. It’s just too hard and we might have to sacrifice something today. Let’s wait until there is nothing at all in the fund so we can sacrifice our old age instead.

Question: Didn’t FDR seem to suggest that he favored private social security accounts?

Answer from Robert Reich after he suggested he is a scholar in the area of FDR:
“I know what happened. And FDR was talking about, not private Social security accounts, he was talking about separate social security accounts, exactly the system we have today.”
Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor under the Clinton Administration
Quoted February 4, 2005 speaking on the Big Show to John Gibson on FoxNews

What FDR said:
”It is proposed that the Federal Government assume one-half of the cost of the old-age pension plan, which ought ultimately to be supplanted by self-supporting annuity plans… voluntary contributory annuities, by which individual initiative can increase the annual amounts received in old age.”
FDR, July 17, 1935, Message to Congress on Social Security

Definition of supplant:
sup·plant () (s-plnt)tr.v. sup·plant·ed, sup·plant·ing, sup·plants
To usurp the place of, especially through intrigue or underhanded tactics.
To displace and substitute for (another): The word processor has largely supplanted electric typewriters.


Carl said...

Based on what you've just posted, in typical politician fashion, he didn't believe what he said or didn't say what he really meant and he had to have a cadre of people to clarify what he didn't intend to say.

And, in the meantime, we get nothing done as overpaid politicians seem to think that people earning $20,000 a year should invest in 401k programs to help them in retirement. So much for the liberals living in reality and not helping the folks who will need the most help as FDR had wanted.

Congress needs to come up with a plan. They get paid enough and they are set for retirement. They have smart people on their staffs and they hire very smart highly paid people for all kinds of government work. If they can't figure out something on this, everyone of them should be fired and we'll start by replacing them with people who believe it can be better for everyone, not just a limited group.

dta said...

That's the plan. ;)

Carl said...

What's the plan? There is no plan.