Friday, July 01, 2005

Bush Sr.'s doctor speaks against torture

Still think everything's just fine down at Gitmo?


Gonzo said...

Several points to make:

1) Who gives a rat's ass what a guy says who is just as uininformed as the rest of us and therefore couches his opinion on what he believes is true?

2) The guys locked up in Gitmo are our enemies. Look up the definition. If one of these fuckfaces was cut loose and found himself facing you in the street one dark, cold night you would be killed.

3) Substitute "terrorist" for "Nazi" and look how ridiculous the opinion looks.

4) This guy equates weakness with torture. Wrong. First, the actual event is debatable, second "weakness" is defined primarily as not having the will to protect your people by making unpalatable decisions.

As Feynman once put it to nuclear power protestors, "freeze in the dark you stupid people".

Garrett said...

"The guys locked up in Gitmo are our enemies."

Oh, really? Prove it, monkey boy.

Oh, wait, you can't, because Shrub isn't letting them talk to lawyers to prove they're innocent.

Gonzo said...


They are having military hearings. No one wants to railroad an innocent man. OTOH, they only send to Gitmo those that they are damn sure are enemies to our anti-terrorism efforts.

So,if they are there, they bore arms against us at one point. What other definition of "enemy" do you need?

Gonzo said...

What are you reading? A lot of them have already been released back to Iraq and Afghanistan and some of them have been recaptured(!)

Again, where does this "innocent bystander" line come from? Gitmo has limited space, you can be damn sure that someone sent there is considered a bad hombre and at the very least guilty of bearing arms against us.

Do not mistake military justice with civilian justice. What's actually unheard of in a war setting is releasing anyone as we have: usually they are locked up for the duration no matter how minor their role as an enemy was.

Look at this carefully, SS, please? Don't let your gut-reactions overcome reason. Research how POWs have been treated in other wars - by international law I might add.

Garrett said...

"A lot of them have already been released back to Iraq and Afghanistan and some of them have been recaptured(!)"

Cite, please.

Garrett said...

Ok, here's one cite: