Friday, July 15, 2005

Oh, gotta love this...

"...any federal officeholder that makes a statement based on a FBI agent's comments which is used as propaganda by terrorist organizations thereby putting our servicemen and women at risk, shall not be permitted access to such information or to hold a security clearance for access to such information."

An FBI agent's comments??????????

Update: Somehow, I have a sneaking suspicion this one isn't passing.

"But what's funny is that, according to one top Democrat's office, the amendment also strips Orin Hatch of his security clearance because he has in the past referenced judicial nominees' FBI files.

In fact, every Senator who participated in an Armed Services Committee hearing on Gitmo yesterday might lose their clearance because the FBI agents comments were discussed. Those Republicans who participated in that hearing were Sens. John Warner (R-VA), John McCain (R-AZ), Pat Roberts (R-KS), Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), Elizabeth Dole (R-NC), and John Cornyn (R-TX). Will they vote to strip themselves of their own security clearance?"

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