Michelle Malkin's Family Values
October 13, 2004.John Kerry stooped to the lowest of the low with the shameless, invasive line that will be played over and over again on the news in the next 24 hours:And I think if you were to talk to Dick Cheney's daughter, who is a lesbian, she would tell you that she's being who she was, she's being who she was born as.
Um, has John Kerry talked to Dick Cheney's daughter? Has John Edwards? Has Mary Beth Cahill, who called Mary Cheney "fair game" on Fox News Channel after tonight's debate? If they haven't talked to her, they should shut up, leave her alone, and defend their incoherent position on gay marriage without hiding behind the vice president's daughter.
August 8, 2005.I can't imagine Army Spc. Casey Sheehan would stand for his mother's crazy accusations that he was murdered by his commander-in-chief, rather than the Iraqi terrorists who ambushed his convoy. I can't imagine Army Spc. Casey Sheehan would stand for a bunch of strangers glomming onto his mother's crusade and using him to undermine the war effort as they shouted "W killed her son" in front of countless TV cameras.
Update: Greg at The Talent Show has more on this.
Michelle Malkin want to help Al Franken find the lying liar
Air America Dysfunctional Family Values
Inside Air America: An Investigative Blog Report
Part. 1: A Trail of Debts
ROFL! After In Defense of Internment, I'm supposed to take Malkin's investigative skills seriously?
Somehow, I'm missing your original point.
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