My jaw is still hanging open.
Do people actually think this way????
Is it not true that yesterday’s sad mistake has already solved the problem it represents? In fact, a further good has been created: as ordinary persons change their behavior and drop the bulky clothing and unnecessary running, the real terrorists will stand out more. Indeed, if anyone ever behaves like Jean Charles de Menezes again, the presumption that he is a terrorist will be so overwhelmingly strong that the police really must kill him.
1 comment:
I remember that, just a couple of years ago, a guy I converse with online who lives outside of London was appalled at the level of paranoia by America when it comes to terrorists and air travel. He also said we should get over 9-11 and stop referencing it.
All it takes is one dastardly deed for the shoe to be on the other foot.
It's not paranoia when they're actually out to get you.
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