Wednesday, November 02, 2005

A statistic I love....

Apparently, Michael Moore has profited equal or made more money on F 9/11 than Halliburton has made on it's Federal contracts. Both have profited pretax about $140 MM.

So there ya go, liberal sacks of shit.....principles, eh?


Garrett said...

Ok, I was still reading it, although not participating. That's done too.

Gonzo said...

What the heck does that mean?

Gonzo said...

Now I've figured out your comment: The truth hurts, doesn't it? So run home ..... as long as you can talk shit and get away with it it's fun, but when facts come along that totally disrupt your worldview ... heh. Don't feel too bad about it...reality is painful.

Garrett said...

Ok, now that my temper tantrum's over, can I come back?

Of course, I might just run away again next time I get called a sack of shit, but...