Monday, February 26, 2007

Interesting speech


Edit: sorry, I should have given more context.

With the numbers of our enemies mounting, it is fortunate that our military power remains without match. The United States' armed forces are the most competent and lethal in history. And so they are likely to remain for decades to come. Our humbling on the battlegrounds of the Middle East does not reflect military inadequacy; it is rather the result of the absence of strategy and its political handmaiden -- diplomacy. We are learning the hard way that old allies will not aid us and new allies will not stick with us if we ignore their interests, deride their advice, impugn their motives, and denigrate their capabilities. Friends will not walk with us into either danger or opportunity if we injure their interests and brush aside their objections to our doing so. Those with whom we have professed friendship in the past cannot sustain their receptivity to our counsel if we demand that they adopt secular norms of the European Enlightenment that we no longer exemplify, while loudly disparaging their religious beliefs and traditions. Diplomacy-free foreign policy does not work any better than strategy-free warfare.


Gonzo said...

What a load of crap.

It starts out well, then uses a "poll" without cite that foreigners are unwelcome and then preaches that we don't welcome foreign immigrants.

Hey, Garrett, limit your self-hating to yourself and leave my country out of it. Or at least be a bit more analytical.

Garrett said...

Ok, pop quiz, without looking -- was this written by a Democrat or a Republican? And which administrations did he serve under?

Garrett said...

And if I didn't love my country, I wouldn't devote so much effort to trying to convince you, and others like you, not to destroy what makes it worth loving.

Gonzo said...

It doesn't matter the political bent of who wrote's defeatist, cowardly tripe. And, no, you don't love your country - you love your view of what it should be. That's why you shit all over other's contrary opinions...if you truly "loved your country" you'd abhor criticizing it in times of crisis. But, since you give more of a crap about your politics than anything else you'd support anyone and anything to support that worldview regardless of how damaging it was to the country at this time.

That's you, bubba. Point, game, match...a loser.

Garrett said...

John, we're in a time of crisis because the President says we're in a time of crisis. If that's the only definition, then we have to shut our mouths every time the President says so.

It don't work 'ike 'at, de-ah...

(And what was it you were saying about you not making ad hominem attacks?)

Gonzo said...

We're in a time of crisis because there are tens of millions of folks in the Muslim world who want to do us harm.

Bush didn't say crap about any of this until they attacked us. So take your sophomoric comment about being in crisis because he said so and stick it. Ain't true.

Again, address the real issue: Why are you so intent on undermining the country? Does your hatred for the current administration extend that far?

Garrett said...

Tens of millions of Soviets used to hate us. Are you saying that we should have invaded them in the 50s?