Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Love them Hybrids

Whenever the subject of hybrid or electric cars comes up, I've always said that there are hidden environmental factors that don't make them very clean at all. Well, someone finally broke it down better than I have:

The Toyota Prius has become the flagship car for those in our society so environmentally conscious that they are willing to spend a premium to show the world how much they care. Unfortunately for them, their ultimate ‘green car’ is the source of some of the worst pollution in North America; it takes more combined energy per Prius to produce than a Hummer.

Read the rest here.


Garrett said...

Yeah, I heard about that last year. It's kind of disappointing. :-(

Gonzo said...

It *is* sad, isn't it? Although you can take heart with other studies that show that the disparity only applies to manufacturing pollution and not lifecycle.

I guess the takeaway is to not have a knee-jerk reaction to anything good or bad....

Gonzo said...

In private emails, "Z" has pointed out that several points in the post I cited were misleading and in some cases flat-out wrong.

So, maybe they're not so bad after-all and I should research better and not be knee-jerk. Heh.