Thursday, March 15, 2007

Why resignation is not enough

KagroX@Kos lays out the reasoning.

...You may rest assured that apologists for Gonzales, Bush and Rove (whose involvement also seems obvious) will insist that there is no "crime" here, because the hiring and firing of U.S. Attorneys is within the president's prerogative. True, as far as it goes. But what clearly ought not to be is the political manipulation of federal investigations to bolster the electoral prospects of Republicans, and damage those of Democrats and other rivals. This is the sort of activity that's so obviously and fundamentally wrong that nobody has yet taken the time to devise a statute to address it. Instead, it occupies the space of a general crime against the Constitution, a subversion of our very system of government, and precisely the sort of crime for which the founders gave us the remedy of impeachment. That's what "high crimes and misdemeanors" are all about. It's not about lawbreaking at altitude.


Gonzo said...

Bullshit. The author is manufacturing an unproven rationale.

Gonzo said...

Here's an interesting take that you'll enjoy:

Garrett said...

"Bullshit. The author is manufacturing an unproven rationale."

Now _that's_ a cogent argument....

Gonzo said...

It is a cogent argument.

There's a lot of unknowns here and the screaming ninnies who want to interpret things as they want are not worth listening to.

Kos is a prime example of anklebiting inaccurate woosies. They have been caught out wrong so many times its a joke. They should have a banner on their front page: "For entertainment purposes only"