Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Bogus cartoon

Funny you should post that, Gonzo, because the original "joke" just came up on Kos.

Wow. This is a joke, right? You actually think the difference between Republicans (i.e. "the rich") and Democrats (i.e. "the poor") is that the poor are lazy and party all the time while the rich work? I think you may need a reality check....

Let's take, for example, the leader of the Republicans right now, George W. Bush. Born to the wealthy Bush family. GW was not a great student. He partied, drank and even did drugs. But where did he go to college? Yale. How did he get in? Because his dad went to Yale, and they let him in as a part of the "legacy program". He could never have gotten in otherwise, because he didn't have good grades in high school. George didn't do so hot at Yale either. Yes, more partying again. But when he got out, what happened? He started several businesses with money from his dad's friends. These businesses failed, but there was always someone there to bail George out when times went bad. By all accounts, George should have been a "poor Democrat" with the choices he made, but as you can see that is not the case....

My friend Chris was in the first Gulf War. He was on the front lines, a sniper. He suffers from PTSD because of all the killing and the people attempting to kill him. He also suffers from Gulf War Syndrome, which he believes he got when the chemical weapons found in Iraq were thrown together and burned (yes, we destroyed the "weapons of mass distruction" in the first war, but that is another story) and he was close enough to be affected (their chemical sensors went off and their superiors told them to ignore them). Chris is no longer able to work. Bright lights, ringing phones, loud sounds, even airplanes, all of that is terrifying to him. So what does he do? He was "certified" by the government to have PTSD, so they are giving him $700 a month for the rest of his life because he can't work. But they still deny the Gulf War Syndrome -- hair falling out, weird skin patches, headaches, other weird illnesses. So he has to survive on $700 a month for the rest of his life. $700. That barely pays the rent. How is he supposed to eat and pay bills? Again, is he "lazy"? Is he "partying"?


Gonzo said...

What The Fuck?

Where do you see Democrat or Republican in that cartoon?

A tad thin-skinned, are we? A bit defensive?

Acting rather like a child finding out Santa may not be real.

Garrett said...

Um, no. If you had clicked on the link, you would have seen what was clearly the original for the cartoon, which did specifically mention Democrats and Republicans.

Besides, it's a standard Republican accusation that Democrats want to take money away from the rich and give it to those who really need it, which is the subject of the first panel. Just because they don't mention them by names doesn't mean that it's not what everyone who will read the comic will think.