Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Captains Quarters and selective statistics

Per John's suggestion, I'm reposting this here, having touched on it in comment threads and on my own blog.

The Captain's Quarters blog claims that Halliburton made 95% of its contract dollars from full and open competition, and gives a link to prove it. The link, indeed, states that Halliburton made $5.6B out of $5.9B through open, competitive bidding.

In 2005.

In 2004, almost 15% of their 6.8B was non-competitive.

And in 2003, over $2,000,000,000 came from non-competed contracts: over 43% of the total.

Nice try, guys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How pathetic! This data is 100% fabricated by the folks from the Bush Admin. Where are the details on actual bid process. These are just cooked up on the GL like this to make it sound as it the bids were competitive. How about some real proof guys?