Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Inflation analysis

This diary over at Kos has lots of graphs of economic indicators, along with analysis of same. Interesting read.

1 comment:

Gonzo said...

Yeah, that IS interesting. Nice post.

One point they made implicitly (unless I missed an explicit nod) was that higher energy costs drive, in some way, all other costs such as food.

I don't think they're giving enough attention to the impact on world markets China and India are having which is having a dramatic impact on bulk oil prices.

Some of the comments, though....whew. Raise taxes?? The last thing you want to do in a rising CPI economy is raise taxes and take more money out of the pockets of the consumer.

In fact, tie all of this into the decline in wages versus the GDP and tax increases would be downright punative to the consumer.

Again, good post.