Monday, May 14, 2007

Here Comes Mike Bloomberg?

It's looking increasingly likely that Michael Bloomberg, NYC mayor, will run for President as an independent. I, for one, would freaking love that. The guy has a seriously impressive resume as a mayor, businessman, and philanthropist.

What does the rest of the gang think?


Garrett said...

I don't know yet. Giulani has left rather a bad taste in my mouth when it comes to NYC mayors, but we'll see how Bloomberg's positions play out.

Gonzo said...

Giuliani left NYC in a lot better shape than he found it and I don't think that can be disputed, statistically. How he could leave "a bad taste in your mouth" is beyond me when you consider the incredible decrease in crime and revitalization of the city. Was he perfect? No. But he did a damn lot of good and unless you are completely biased (oh, wait, forgot who I was conversing with) there are gains you cannot ignore.

Go back and look at the tenure of the aptly named Mayor Dinkums for a comparison.

As to Bloomberg I like him because he's socially liberal (as I) yet fiscally and politically conservative. There are some issues that I want to strangle his ass over but, for the most part, I like him.

I dunno if he'll enter the race and I'm not sure the effect if he does. Will he draw away from the Democrats or Republicans? Who knows? He was a Democrat until shortly before his mayoral campaign and he's kinda RINO now. I read somewhere describing him as "Perot on steroids".

I guess what I really would like to see is a maverick coming out of nowhere to knock the living shit out of the ensconced political dweebs like McCain and Clinton. I think we really need a new Teddy Roosevelt....where is he?

dta said...

I have been predicting for several months now that the stage is being set for Jeb Bush to make a last minute, highly organized run.

May even come after the Primaries.