Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Horror!

From the Weekly Standard. Excerpt:

The fascists are coming! Or rather, they're already here, installed in the White House, planning like mad to subvert the Constitution and extend their reign in perpetuity, having first suppressed and eviscerated all opposition and put all of their critics in jail. Thus goes the rant of America's increasingly unhinged left. If only, sigh many Bush partisans, wondering when this administration will get out of the fetal position and show some fighting spirit. To them, as to most reasonable observers, the White House shows the chronic fatigue of a two-term presidency reaching its final year. Nonetheless, paranoia about what Bush and Co. are up to preys on the minds of many progressives, who have progressed, in this case at least, beyond reason.

1 comment:

Garrett said...

Nixon was on the fast track to impeachment for a heck of a lot less than Bush is clearly guilty of, even without extra investigations to get details. Ignoring Congressional subpeonas? Check. Firing Justice Department officials for political reasons? That's all but a check: Gonzales definitely did, and I doubt he did it without permission at best, and direction at worst.