Thursday, September 27, 2007

phony intel to scare Congress into giving Bush what he wants?

Rep. Jane Harmon thinks so.

and click on "Playing the Fear Card" item.


Gonzo said...

Oh, hey, look! It's Fein again!

Intelligence agencies may be wrong and that's probably due to a posture of erring on the side of caution. But to call it a "Rovian" strategy to instill fear is reckless.

You realize, of course, that if an attack really happens it blows all of this left wing bullshit up, don't you?

Keep playing them political games with terrorism. It just kills me (and probably a lot of other Americans when it happens).

SeattleSusieQ said...

Gonzo wrote: You realize, of course, that if an attack really happens it blows all of this left wing bullshit up, don't you?

No, it'll blow up all the right-wing bullshit that they are the ones who can protect us.

Gonzo said...

OK, let me get this straight. If we're warned but not attacked it's an evil attempt to use fear politically by Bush. If we're attacked it's because Bush can't protect us.

Essentially, then, anything that does or does not happen is Bush's fault?

Hahaha....and you blame others for using terrorism politically.

SeattleSusieQ said...

Gonzo wrote: OK, let me get this straight. If we're warned but not attacked it's an evil attempt to use fear politically by Bush. If we're attacked it's because Bush can't protect us.

How many former Bush administration members have to tell the story before you'll believe it? BUSH WAS WARNED ABOUT A TERRORIST ATTACK BEFORE 9-11 AND DID NOTHING ABOUT IT BECAUSE HE WANTED IT TO HAPPEN. How many transcripts of converstations and memos have to come out before you'll believe he was planning to militarily attack Iraq BEFORE 9-11?

He (along with the Republicans who rubberstamped everything he did) have destroyed the foundations of our Constitution. He and his Republican friends who hate government because they say it can't do a good job at anything - they get elected and then set out to prove it (FEMA anyone?)

Yes, the accusation is accurate. He won't protect us and he is a fear monger. That isn't to say there isn't a real threat. I maintain he's such an incompetent commander-in-chief and a liar and all the other bad things I can think of, that I have no illusions as to what he'd do.

Gonzo said...

Did you lose your prescription or something? Do you understand that beliefs like that are deeply in the minority and just plain weird? It's akin to the Vince Foster conspiracy theories.

I can argue a point but not lunacy.