Tuesday, March 01, 2005

NYT Imitates Scrappleface

From OpinionJournal.com and Scrappleface.com

"In another setback for the Bush administration, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak told a national TV audience Saturday that he would impose democratic presidential elections on this tranquil Arab dictatorship. . . . Democrats in the U.S. Congress wasted no time pointing out that White House foreign policy had failed again. 'How is President Bush going to carry out his promise to invade dictatorships and impose freedom if they keep announcing changes like this?' said an unnamed Democrat Senator. 'I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a domino effect, with one Arab nation after another falling into the democracy camp, thereby making the Bush foreign policy an obsolete embarrassment.' "--ScrappleFace.com, Feb. 26

"Less than six weeks after President Bush's Inaugural Address appealing for democratic reforms in the Middle East, the United States is coping with an unaccustomed problem: a region churning with fresh demands for democracy, fresh opportunities and fresh potential for instability."--New York Times, March 1


dta said...

Ahh, the rich imaginative minds of the Republican Attack Machine -- if you can't find a real quotable source for your talking points, make one up!

Gonzo said...

Huh? It's a joke, man, a joke! Don't you leftists have humor anymore?

Gonzo said...

How do you figure? Bush has increased funding to the NIH and medical research.

All that aside, HIV is not a disease one is born with - it's a bad lifestyle choice and is a personal and not a societal responsibility.

Gonzo said...

I'd have to research the promises versus the delivery carefully before challenging that comment.

As to children who contracted HIV from their mothers, that is truly a shame and, yes, there should be some aid from social services. The folks who got it from a blood transfusion will get enough money in lawsuits to pay for drugs in perpetuity.

If I'm ever in a bind? I have been! I refused FEMA grants and no-interest loans after Hurricane Andrew on principle. And I'm pretty sure I'd do the same again, especially if it was a problem of my own making.