Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Eyman out to destroy home rule?

Andrew Villeneuve thinks so.

Should the people of Aberdeen, Bellingham or Spokane have the opportunity to deny Seattleites the right to tax themselves for the services and infrastructure they want?

Most Washingtonians would probably say no.


Gonzo said...

I don't see the connection between the author's contention and Eyman's latest drive (and, AFAIK, the latest initiative drive about the gas tax has nothing to do with Eyman).

It's hard to evaluate the content of the article without that being made clear.

To claim something doesn't make it so.

As to "home rule" in general, this state has a miserable track record when it comes to the Legislature or State Supreme Court overturning voter initiatives or finding ways around popular will - such as stadium funding.

Garrett said...

Here's Eyman's latest salvo in the Times. Seems pretty relevant to the article to me.

Gonzo said...

Yes, he's taking sides but the repeal initiative is being headed up by others.