Thursday, September 15, 2005

Ignorance is Fun! must be that way, because y'all revel in it so much.

Does anyone of you take the time to do any historical or institutional research before posting crap from some stupid-ass liberal-biased website or hyperventilating lib pundit? Do you have any fucking idea what you're blabbing about half the time? Seems to me you're just forwarding some other idiots goop without a shred of common sense or modest research.

It took me all of 30 seconds to find historical underpinnings on enemy combatants, blowing away dta's post of some pissant Amnesty Int'l hysteria. It wasn't that hard, Dave. It's called "open mind" and "research"....try it sometime. And my link came from the Spectator, not exactly a conservative thinktank.

Suze's continual hysteria with Halliburton cracks me up. It's as if this evil, billion-dollar multinational corporation oozed out of the slime shortly before Bush took office and now acts as the operational Renfro to his Master. Did you know it was one of the 4 companies that merged to form Halliburton who built the Johnson Space Center and devised the emergency CO2 filter that saved the lives of the Apollo 13 astronauts? And that Halliburton had a much larger corporate presence, percentage-wise, in Bosnia under Clinton than it now has in Iraq?

Oh, sorry. Facts. Gosh-durn it they can be a pain, huh?

And that's the problem you folks have now and why the Democratic party is eroding. The 10% of important observations you may have is fogged out by the 90% of childish prattle you waste everyone's time on.

1 comment:

Gonzo said...

Sure I want to hear about it. Gosh, it means they're freakin' human. I've had cost overruns with my clients...and we don't know what constitutes "unaccounted" in Iraq unless we know the terms of the contract. For example, if the contract says you have 10 "x" to spend to do job "y", technically, an expenditure of 7 "x" is "unaccounted" ... but not unaccountable.

Ahhhhh...ahhh! My head is buzzing from the crap!....just...just....grow up, SS, PLEASE!