Wednesday, September 14, 2005


I was watching another news show challenging the Bush administration's response to Katrina and it suddenly hit me what this guy Bush has had to deal with:

  • A terrorist attack that killed about 4,000 and destroyed the World Trade Centers.
  • A tsunami that killed 150000+ worldwide and demanded a concerted US relief effort.
  • The current Gulf situation - the worst natural disaster in US history.

Fuck! I can't think of a Commander-In-Chief who has had as much on their plate since Truman. Certainly not Clinton; that dude was "Goodtime Charlie" and reaped the benefits of a great economy and a stable world.

So next time you want to heap partisan envective on Mr. Bush, pause to consider the cards he's been dealt....and give a little prayer for the man himself. And then pile on


dta said...

It's sad how after 6 years -- you just can't let go of Clinton. Not enough warmongering and pilaging of taxpayer resources I guess...

For me there is only one prayer for this President. Keep him alive so we can put his ass in jail.

Many need our prayers, as a *result* of this man's actions.

Gonzo said...

Y'all noted, I hope, that I didn't mention Iraq since he dealt those cards.

And I mentioned Clinton by comparison and not in a disparaging manner...he was our last President; who the fuck else could I draw a comparison to?

And - Susan - I have no clue what your blathering about but this wouldn't be the first time.

Anonymous said...

Damn sure sounds like Michael Moore has brain washed someone. Clinton smoked but didn't inhale; he blew his load on her dress but didn't have sexual relations with that woman, what's her name. The Bush lied about "everything" shit is really getting old.