Friday, March 02, 2007

Argument by anecdote

There are those here who need to take note of this point.

UPDATE II: This whole issue raises a broader point: the reliance by idiots and deceivers on the fallacy of argument by anecdote, one of the lowest (and most commonly invoked) forms of fallacious reasoning.

It is hard to overstate how pervasive this lowly and manipulative weapon is wielded by right-wing demagogues to shape our political debates. LGF's simplistic trick, for instance, is to post individual stories every day of Muslims who engage in violent acts ("hey, look - I proved that Muslims are inferior and dangerous!"). Michelle Malkin repeatedly posts individual stories of supposed leftists engaging in illegal or violent acts ("hey, look -- I proved that liberals are unhinged"). Or the right finds a single obscure college professor nobody ever heard of who referred to 9/11 victims as "Little Eichmanns" ("hey, look - we proved that 'the Left' hates America and believes that the 9/11 victims deserved it!").

Those who rely on that cheap, tawdry tactic are really indistinguishable -- just in terms of the methods -- from, say, websites run by white supremacists who, every day, troll the news wires and post individual stories of crimes committed by African-Americans and then think that they've made a broader point. In that context, most people can see how transparently fallacious the tactic is, but in other contexts, they are blind to it.

In fact, because such sloppy, illogical shorthand -- when used against "liberals" -- is easy to both convey and ingest, journalists love it. They use it themselves and are easily manipulated into passing such arguments along (just fathom how quickly this story is going to make the usual rounds -- "'liberals' hate Bush and Cheney so much that they actually expressed sorrow that Cheney wasn't killed in the explosion today").


Z said...

I Agree with this Post.

The growth of the blogisphere has only exacerbated the problem, as now every Tom, Dick, or Harry can publish his shiny two cents' worth of opinion to a broad and diverse audience.

Responsible citizens must strive ever the harder to sort fact from fiction, logic and reason from inflammatory ravings.

SeattleSusieQ said...

who are you, Z?

Gonzo said...

I agree with the your comment although the source commentary was questionable in the parts that Garrett didn't copy.

Gonzo said...

I believe "Z" is my buddy Charles (last name withheld) who I currently work with.

Be nice to him: He's moderate-left and has a new baby :-D

Garrett said...

Hey, I copied the entire section on argument by anecdote.

Garrett said...

John, if the source commentary is questionable, go to Greenwald's blog and question it.

Gonzo said...

Yeah, I might do that Garrett but you're the one who brought the argument here.

A simple solution is for you to stop linking to drool.

Why not post interesting analysis from provable or at least reputable sources to keep the discussion fresh and with some integrity?

Garrett said...

Put up, or shut up. Go post a comment here explaining why Greenwald's post is drivel, or I'll assume you only are willing to argue with people you feel comfortable bullying.

Gonzo said...

Again, why am I going there to argue a point you brought here?

If you brought it here, it means that you agree with it or otherwise want to debate it and have submitted it to the gang for that purpose.

I have fulfilled that purpose.

Now why is that bullying?