Friday, March 02, 2007

Deconstructing D'Souza

This Kos diary does a good job of showing the danger of the "violent right".

By defining liberals as a "hidden" second front of terrorism, D'Souza's book invokes a very simple, widely held idea in America: that "War on Terror" means first and foremost, "kill terrorists." Thus, The Enemy at Home gives intellectual legitimacy to a widely accepted, rapidly growing Republican tendency to frame national security in terms of killing Democrats....

But D'Souza is a different kind of voice to emerge in the violent right. Neither angry nor animated, D'Souza cuts a media image similar to that of a boring, middle school substitute teacher. He is a quiet, unassuming man using soft tones as he both writes and speaks about the need to battle and destroy liberals with the same ferocity as we kill terrorists....

Americans who dismiss the power and danger of D'Souza's argument do so at great risk to the public sphere of free debate in this country. By the time the arena of public ideas is overtaken by D'Souza's toxic and contagious language of violence, it will be too late to turn it back.


Gonzo said...

This is your post of the day? A hysterical, over-the-top left wing post condemning a hysterical, over-the-top right wing author?

Best you can do?

I like how you left out that D'Souza never actually says the right advocates violence against the liberals or Democrats but that your pansie, paranoid Kos poster implies it.

I guess you're just more comfortable with the implications that the actual facts.

Now, in close examination...

SET SARCASM ON (needed for you blind partisans who can't take a joke)

If this were all true, you'd be dead or jailed pretty quickly. Libs don't understand defense, hate war, have no common sense, are whiners and quitters, and don't know guns. The Bubbas and evangelists would make quick work of you.


Garrett said...

Global War on Terror = Kill Terrorists.

Liberals second front in GWoT = Kill Liberals.

I love the way _everything_ you disagree with is hysterical and over-the-top.

Gonzo said...

No, not everything I disagree with is hysterical and over-the-top...only the shit you and others post from weenie, partisan blogs.

Note I criticized *both* the blogs.

My problem is not with the's the messenger. Fine by me if you agree with these bombastic fucktards but don't expect me to accept them as keen, analytical insight.