Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Constitution on War Powers

For the benefit of people who seem to have forgotten how this country works:

Section 8. The Congress shall have power to...provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States;...

To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water;

To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years;

To provide and maintain a navy;

To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces;...

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;...And

To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof.


Gonzo said...

So who forgot that?

Seems to me that some folks have forgotten this:

Section 2. The President shall be commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States; he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment.

Gonzo said...

This brings up an interesting point on a analytical bent.

Notice that armies, the navy, and militia are all lower-case when outlining Congress's role and Army and Navy are upper-case when the President's role is described?

I wonder if this disparity is mentioned in the Federalist Papers? I'll research that and log a new post if I find anything interesting.