Sunday, May 27, 2007

The complete myth driving our Iraq "debate"

Salon commentary

The whole "support the troops" meme has become a terrible problem for Democrats. Even though, as Glenn Greenwald has argued in Salon, cutting off funding doesn't mean soldiers will have their guns and bullets and armor taken away in the middle of a battle, Americans have been convinced that it does.


Gonzo said...

Hmmm....there are two diametrically opposing opinions in the same piece. We're told Americans are ignorant on what defunding means, yet told that it's important that polls indicate a majority of Americans want out of Iraq.

So which is it? If we're ignorant, then the polls have no standing. If we're not, we truly are against defunding for solid reasons.

Which is it?

It' bullshit. Greenwald is spinning his information as he sees fit. That's the only way you can have such conflicting opinions on the populace in the same op-ed.

I don't think he's purposely lying, but he's being pretty willfully ignorant.

Side note: I'd love to see what polls he's citing. I haven't seen the "overwhelming" support for pullout that he claims. Doncha think he should have linked to the poll data?

Gonzo said...

OK, now I've seen the poll and it's definitely spinning. While a majority of Americans do think the Iraq war was the wrong thing to do and that benchmarks should be established, it's an inference to claim there's an overwhelming support for a pullout.

Polls are only good for what you make them to be.

SeattleSusieQ said...