Monday, May 28, 2007

Right-wing blogger geniuses expose another journalistic fraud

Greenwald commentary

Monday May 28, 2007 13:05 EST
The genius investigators in the right-wing blogosphere -- who serve as our Watchdogs over the Corrupt "MSM" -- made a major, major discovery this weekend. Last Wednesday, former CIA agent Larry Johnson published a Memo (.pdf) sent from the U.S. Mission in Iraq which advised troops and other military personnel in Iraq of a "theater-wide delay in food delivery" which would likely limit the available food supply.

As has been true for the last four years, right-wing bloggers simply shut their eyes and refused to believe that any news reflecting poorly on the Leader's War could be real. Just as was true for news reports of civil war and a growing Iraqi insurgency, this Memo just had to be a fake, so they declared it to be such. ....(see article for more)


Gonzo said...

Again, hysterical, slanted BS.

Who is this columnist and why does anyone waste the pixels?

Granted, he makes a good point in that hysterical right-wing blogs jump at shadows and end up looking stupid because of it.

Well, duhhh!

Guess do the left-wing blogs. In fact, any blog with an axe to grid is going to step in shit once in a while. I remember Kos going batshit over the evil Diebold voting machines in Fla and then ...ooops.... they weren't Diebold.

And that's the danger of aligning your opinion with any blog without checking the facts. As I've said over and over again.

Thanks for confirming that.

SeattleSusieQ said...

On that particular (election machines) story, the truth about the machines was correct - they just got the company wrong. Same result. Fraud in elections. Big difference between screaming your head off about a false story and then refusing to admit it.

Gonzo said...

Oh, yeah, Suz, your leftist buddies NEVER do that, do they? Naaaa...only the evil rightists do that, huh?

Objectivity would be refreshing.