Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Confessions of a former loyal Bushie

See, Gonz, it's not just us flaming liberals.

Up from Texas came a white-hatted cowboy.

Here came the anti-Clinton. Here came a man who promised to restore integrity to the White House. Here came a man who promised to be a uniter, not a divider. A man who promised to be campassionate, and not just conservative. A man who said we needed to be humble in our foreign policy. A man who, I was convinced, would help clear off the table after the last two years of scandal and filth. A man who would paint the walls white again.

Here came George W. Bush.

I had voted Democratic, twice, for the same man. And that man had lied to me and angered me in a way that I never could have imagined about a politician. I didn't just walk back to the Red folds of the Republican flag, I fucking ran....


Does anyone remember--in what seems like a thousand years ago--the spy plane incident over China crisis? This was in early 2001, shortly after the President took office. That was handled so inexpertly that it couldn't have been chalked up to mere this-is-my-first-day-on-the-job-so-I-don't-know-where-the-toner-is inexperience. Bush and his team almost jostled that incident into Cuba in October II: Electric Boogaloo, until Colin Powell got in there and got his hands dirty.

That was the last Bush foreign policy success of any measure, and still it planted a seed of doubt in my mind.

Think about the magnitude of what I just wrote: The last real Bush foreign policy success was in 2001, and even then it made people scratch their chins and wonder, Gee, I don't know.....

The rest of 2001 was pretty much vacation time for Bush, but then we got to August 2001, when Bush made his address to the nation on his stem cell research decision.

I watched that address live with my then-fiancee-now-wife, who was also a Republican. After the President detailed in an almost too-painful-to-watch manner the ham-handed decision that pleased no one and did even less to promote scientific research and asked God to bless the United States and signed off, we cut off the TV and sat in silence. Neither said anything, but our looks spoke volumes. We may have elected an idiot, our eyes said. I think we both got drunk that night....


I don't need to catalogue the astonishingly perfect series of missteps, bad decisions, stupid moves, acts of jaw-dropping incredulity that followed over the next three years after September 11. But here are just some of the lilypads, in no particular order, that carried this here frog from one bank of opinion about the President to the other:

No Child Left Behind. 6.2% unemployment. Privitazation of Social Security. Cutting the NIH budget. Appointing Elmer Gantry to the FDA. Removing Whitman from the EPA. Withdrawing support for Kyoto. Clear Skies Initiative. NSA wiretaps. Iraq. Going to war with the army you have, not the army you want. Chalabi. Yellowcake. Iran. Heckuva Job, Brownie. Stay the Course. My Pet Goat.

I could go on and on, but there were many other, graver, more dangerous things that convinced me not only had I made a mistake--a massive, egrgious, horrible mistake--but that the man was more than just a bad president. There were things that convinced me that he cared less about the law than Clinton ever did. There were things he did that made lying about sex under oath seem like littering in the park.

Declaring the Geneva Accords a quaint set of norms that had no application to detainees, only a relative handful of whom had even the slightest connection to al Qaeda, the rest of whom had done nothing wrong. This brought us on par with our internment of the Japanese.
Then there was the extraordinary rendition programs that echoed Stalinist gulags. Abu Ghraib, which bore the strong whiff of the Hanoi Hilton, except we were Ho Chi Minh. The NSA wiretaps that take us out of any good historical analogy and right into the realm of Philip K. Dick....


Gonzo said...


6.2% unemployment? Where did that come from?

As I have said before, once you lie on one thing the rest is suspect and ignored.

SeattleSusieQ said...

Gonz wrote: As I have said before, once you lie on one thing the rest is suspect and ignored.

Does that go for Bush, Condi, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc etc etc?

Garrett said...

SusieQ: of course not. That rule only applies for Kos morons, dontcha know....

Garrett said...

What's the matter, couldn't think of Googling "u.s. unemployment graph" and clicking on the first link, then choosing back data?

Garrett said...

Gonz: if you think one lie makes the rest suspect and ignored, why are you still posting Ann Coulter columns?

Gonzo said...

Wow....such hysterics!

First off, G, I could hit the back button until I came to Carter and 11% unemployment. But that would be dishonest as that's not the current situation. And neither is 6.2% as the author probably damn well knows but decides instead to perpetrate a lie.

Secondly, Susie, I am sick of you folks calling Bush et al liars when you don't have the courage or honesty to look at what some of your own folks are saying and doing. Try being an equal-opportunity accuser once in a while. I know I do.

Third, my Coulter posts are for entertainment purposes ONLY. I don't pretend to promote them as the truth or particularly insightful. Ahem.

Garrett said...

No, it would be dishonest because we aren't talking about Carter, we're talking about Bush. And he didn't say that it was currently 6.2, just that it had happened.

You're really a piece of work, Gonz. You say that if someone on our side lies, they're to be ignored. When we point out that it works both ways, you promptly turn it back on us and go "BUT THE DEMOCRATS DO IT TOO!" Do you have any idea how childish that is? That makes about as much sense as the Administration saying that it's ok to fire US Attorneys in the middle of the term because Clinton fired them all at the beginning of his term, when both Bush Sr. and Jr. did the same thing.

Gonzo said...

Garrett, I know this.

I know that I can go to Kos or the meat of your comments and find vitriol and disinformation that should concern the hell out of any honest American. I know that the left in this country has abandoned all pretense of dialog in exchange for vituperation and condemnation.

I know, sadly, that your ilk will stoop to anything for political advantage and aggresively pursues and attempts to silence those that disagree with them.

I know that Bush and Co. have made mistakes but I also know that they might have done the wrong things for the right reasons.

I also know that by the links you've posted and the shrill crap it usually leads to that you are far more interested in bringing down the GOP than you are the good of the country.

These things I know. It's why I'm an independent. I like to evaluate things objectively. It's why I love and respect you guys but would exterminate you like the termites you are should you ever get the chance to exercise your true beliefs.

Garrett said...

"I know that I can go to ... the meat of your comments and find vitriol and disinformation that should concern the hell out of any honest American."

Do it. Where have I lied to you for political (or any other) gain?

"I know that the left in this country has abandoned all pretense of dialog in exchange for vituperation and condemnation."

No, that's the right. Look at Bush's reaction to the Iraq funding bill: "I'll meet with them in a bipartisan fashion, as long as when they leave, they do what I want."

"I know, sadly, that your ilk will stoop to anything for political advantage and aggresively pursues and attempts to silence those that disagree with them."

Um, right. That's why you started deleting my posts, and threatened to continue doing so.

P.S. -- anybody know how to get the friggin' date to show up in the timestamp on these comments? I have no idea how long this was sitting around before I saw it.

SeattleSusieQ said...

Gonz wrote: "I know that Bush and Co. have made mistakes but I also know that they might have done the wrong things for the right reasons."

WHAT right reasons? Every reason they have given has turned out to be bogus and when one reason dies, they make up another one!

Gonz wrote: "Secondly, Susie, I am sick of you folks calling Bush et al liars when you don't have the courage or honesty to look at what some of your own folks are saying and doing. Try being an equal-opportunity accuser once in a while. I know I do."

Feel free to prove that they haven't lied. Feel free to prove that the Dems have done as much damage as the Republicans.

You know what's ironic? I don't even read Kos, but I'm a "Kos moron". Weren't you the one who complained about name calling?

You're a hypocrite and you're the worst when it comes to spewing talking points.

As someone once said "when all the traffic is coming towards you, check the lane you're in".

Gonzo said...


You guys put party over country. Period. Demonstrable over and over and over. Utterly disgraceful.

I don't.

SeattleSusieQ said...

Party over country - I cannot BELIEVE you see the Dems doing this. If ever there was party over country it's this Republican administration! It's more important to be loyal to Bush than to follow the Constitution!

Republicans, under the lead of Karl Rove has been part of election fraud, including accepting Diebold with no protections, the stuff they've already been convicted of, the anecdotal issues of threatening voters, making it difficult to vote in Democratic precints, etc. all toward the KNOWN end (found on CDs recorded by Rove) of a one party forever plan, I cannot understand why you think this is a Dem problem!

You are so delusional to think that you see things objectively.

Garrett said...

"You guys put party over country. Period. Demonstrable over and over and over."

And you can't even come up with one post where Susan or I did that, or you would have posted it by now.

Garrett said...

"And you can't even come up with one post where Susan or I did that, or you would have posted it by now."

Still waiting, Gonz.

Garrett said...

Party over country. Still waiting.