Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Romney's Medical Issue

Did you all know that Mitt Romney's wife has MS??? I just found out today. I guess they keep it pretty quiet.

Not that Romney is my first choice but look at it this way: Edwards has to make cancer a campaign issue while Romney keeps his medical travails private.

That speaks volumes.


SeattleSusieQ said...

What "volumes" does it speak? Do you disapprove of Elizabeth Edwards' choice to go public (and it WAS her choice, not her husband's)? That 2 families choose to handle the publicity about their personal lives differently? That speaks more volumes about YOU than it does anyone else.

Edwards didn't make cancer a campaign issue (although he *is* using this to highlight access to health care, which has been a key topic of his for years). Had he hidden her recurrence of her cancer he would have been vilified for that.

It won't happen to Romney because the topic has already been covered. He should thank the Edwards family for that.

Gonzo said...

I don't approve or disapprove Elizabeth Edward's decision to hold a press conference and make her cancer very public. But it seems to me that the Edward's have been far more public with their various tragedies than is seemly.

I started to scoff at your assertion that they would have been villified had they hidden it but I think you're right, on reflection.

Romney doesn't appear to hide it but doesn't try to wring out a sympathy vote either.

I guess I prefer politicians who underplay personal adversity than trumpet it.

SeattleSusieQ said...

The Edwards weren't looking for sympathy. And the only reason Romney doesn't have to talk about his wife's illness is because the Edwards did.

And I also think there is no deal about Romney because he is a Republican. The Democrats don't do that. If you disagree, prove it or keep your mouth shut.

Gonzo said...

Don't do what? Your comment confuses me. Can you elaborate?

SeattleSusieQ said...

And I also think there is no deal about Romney because he is a Republican. The Democrats don't do that. If you disagree, prove it or keep your mouth shut.

comment on that

Gonzo said...

I'd love to comment but all you did was repeat the comment that confused me.

Nonetheless, blundering forward, I don't think it's a GOP versus Dem issue, I think it's a personal character issue amongst the candidates.

McCain's wife has had some pretty rough times medically. I don't recall that being injected into the political dialog.

When the news broke that Elizabeth Edwards cancer had returned I was extremely supportive as our blog archives will indicate. On a personal level, I still am.

But it appears to me, in both the 2004 and current campaigns, that Edwards has no problem pushing out his family tragedies to the public for ... dare I say it ... political advantage. Maybe it's not him, it's his supporters. I dunno.

You know how you just get feelings about public figures? Something about Edwards strikes me as slimy. Maybe it's the "two Americas" crap while he gets $400 haircuts. Maybe it's his Cheney lesbian quip during the '04 debates. Maybe it's just because he's a trial attorney - heh. But something smells with this guy.

OTOH, there are Dem candidates that "smell" right. Obama, Richardson, and others. I don't agree with them but I don't think they're slimeballs either. Hilary Clinton, though, is a SCARY slimeball. Rudy may be a slime-master but may also be a great person. Jury is still out as far as I am concerned.

Best I can do if I interpreted you right.