Thursday, May 31, 2007

Olbermann at His Stupidest

Olbermann bases his remarks on the supposed mandate that Democrats were elected in November to get us out of Iraq.

Let me say this again for the gazillionth time: THERE WAS NO MANDATE. There was a cyclical vote against the status quo. If there was a mandate, Lieberman would have lost.



SeattleSusieQ said...

Why doesn't it count that the "cyclical vote against the status quo"? If people WANTED the occupation to continue, they wouldn't have ousted so many Republicans.

Do you think Bush's reelection -oops - not re-election, election for the first time - was a mandate? He does, and said so.

Gonzo said...

Yes, Bush did say that and I thought it was a stupid thing to say when he did.

Just as stupid as the Democrats now saying it.

A lame duck Presidents political party generally gets their ass handed to them in midterms unless they have very high popularity numbers. That's what I mean by cyclical; it's a "throw dem bums out" deal - we tend to like to shake up our Government on occasion as a people.

Which is a good thing and why I was not terribly disappointed that the majority flipped.