Tuesday, May 22, 2007

PBS needs more rude, interruptive guests?

That's what Melanie Morgan seems to think...

Last night on Fox News’s Hannity and Colmes, Morgan accused PBS of "censorship," saying that the network "has a blatant anti-conservative bias. They don-t want to hear a proud pro American, pro-troop point of view. They've clearly demonstrated that in the past. I think PBS should be ashamed of itself." When Alan Colmes told Morgan, "I really think they should allow rude, interruptive guests like yourself on PBS," Morgan said, "I agree."

1 comment:

Gonzo said...

I'm on your side on this one (gasp!).

NewsHour is an adult news and analysis show. They have the right to not bring in guests who are rude and disruptive. Jim Lehrer is one of the most respected people in the entire news industry.