Thursday, June 14, 2007

Right-wing contradictions

Jerome a Paris@Kos points out an interesting contradiction in a recent FT op-ed.

NordicStorm also noted that Klaus did not have qualms using the following two sentences (which directly contradict one another) in the same article:

The scientists should help us and take into consideration the political effects of their scientific opinions.

Let us resist the politicisation of science

This is their mindset. Science that agrees with our ideology is objective; science that disagrees is politicized, manipulated or debatable. Reality is not acknowledged.


Gonzo said...

I suppose this is why the proponents of global warming get angry and try to silence differing opinions?

That's a good post if it worked both ways...but it doesn't.

SeattleSusieQ said...

"I suppose this is why the proponents of global warming get angry and try to silence differing opinions?"

Typical mischaracterizing of what's happening.

They do try to silence oil-industry-bought "scienists" who have no understanding of the facts.