Wednesday, May 02, 2007

ACORN indictments rushed against policy?

Hey, Gonzo, remember how you keep bringing up ACORN to prove Democratic Voter Fraud?

Read this.

But Bradley Schlozman -- the former U.S. Attorney for Kansas City and controversial deputy head at the Civil Rights Division -- broke with the policy. Not only that, but there's evidence that he rushed four indictments to land just before last November's election.

Indeed, timing aside, even Schlozman's decision to pursue the cases at all is questionable in light of established Justice Department practice. Although trumpeted as cases of voter fraud, the cases alleged only registration fraud, and there's no evidence that those registrations were intended to result in actual fraudulent votes. For that reason, other U.S. attorneys have passed on pursuing similar prosecutions. But Schlozman, who'd worked to push voter I.D. laws while in the Civil Rights Division, leapt at the opportunity....

It had been the longstanding practice of the Justice Department not to bring such indictments so close before an election. That's according to Joe Rich, the former head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Section, and a Justice Department manual written by Craig Donsanto, head of the Election Crimes Branch at Justice, which advised that “Federal prosecutors and investigators should be extremely careful to not conduct overt investigations during the pre-election period or while the election is underway.”

Even Alberto Gonzales himself said just two weeks ago that "We have guidance about that, doing those kind of investigations near an election," to be "sensitive about the effect it has on particularly minority participation."


Gonzo said...

Rushed against policy, maybe, but nothing I see exonerates ACORN. Those guys are bad news.

Garrett said...

"But let's look at the indicted crimes themselves. The four defendants were accused of forging the registration forms for a grand total of six voters (Caren Davis was responsible for three). In some cases, the defendants simply made people up; others forged the registrations for real people.

As The New York Times has noted, "the forms could likely never be used in voting." Other U.S. attorneys had declined to pursue similar cases -- in fact, despite Schlozman's "national investigation," these were the only charges filed against ACORN organizers nationwide in 2006. "

6 unusable forms?

Gonzo said...

6 unusable is 6 too many. Voter and registration fraud should be aggresively pursued - I'd hate to think there's a threshold on this.

SeattleSusieQ said...

voter fraud has been shown to be MUCH less a problem than ELECTION fraud. Just a few:

1. Republicans sent out notices in Democratic areas telling people that the election would be the next day - or that precincts had changed, sending people to the wrong polling places (Maryland, Virginia)

2. Republicans have already been convicted on jamming get-out-the-vote work in New Hampshire (or was that Vermont? I forget)

3. Nearly half of the 6 million American voters living abroad never received their ballots -- or received them too late to vote - after the Pentagon unaccountably shut down a state-of-the-art Web site used to file overseas registrations.

4. A consulting firm called Sproul & Associates, which was hired by the Republican National Committee to register voters in six battleground states, was discovered shredding Democratic registrations.

5.In New Mexico, which was decided by less than 6000 votes, malfunctioning machines mysteriously failed to properly register a presidential vote on more than 20,000 ballots.

6. A precinct in an evangelical church in Miami County recorded an impossibly high turnout of ninety-eight percent, while a polling place in inner-city Cleveland recorded an equally impossible turnout of only seven percent.

7. In Warren County, Ohio, GOP election officials invented a nonexistent terrorist threat to bar the media from monitoring the official vote count.

Yeah, the election wasn't stolen.

Gonzo said...

Would you just shut up about stolen elections? There are highly-motivated partisan groups on both sides doing evil things.

SeattleSusieQ said...

Gonz wrote: "6 unusable is 6 too many. Voter and registration fraud should be aggresively pursued -"

I'm talking hundreds of thousands of votes not counted and you're making a big deal about 6 unusable votes. You are such a hypocrite.

Gonzo said...

Because I'm talking about 6 that led to indictments and you are talking about urban legends. Huge credibility gap, there, isn't it?

SeattleSusieQ said...

They are not urban legends. Just because you refuse to read about it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

People have been INDICTED for this crap, but if you haven't paid attention, it didn't happen.

Gonzo said...

OK, fine, link to the indictments. Show me indictments on GOP or conservative voter fraud. Not some doofuses opinion, a real factual link.

SeattleSusieQ said...

Ex-GOP adviser sentenced in phone jamming

Election Staff Convicted in Recount Rig

These were just the easy ones. There's more, but I don't feel like looking any further tonight.

Gonzo said...

Point made (I think). I don't see any party affiliation in your second link.