Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Fact and Opinion

The Earth is round. Fact.

George Bush is the worst President ever and we're all gonna die! Opinion.

Hysterical rants from disgruntled former government employees: Opinion which some of you apparently confuse with facts.


Do a Google search on the guy's name who wrote this: Lars Thorwald.'ve been had, Kos morons!


SeattleSusieQ said...

Why do you make the assumption that what former government employees write are "hysterical rants"? Why do *you* confuse the lies of this administration with facts?

I'm re-reading Richard Clarke's book and it makes me ill. You should read this one, Gonzo. He told his story early to try to warn us, but the Repugs, as they have done with ALL of the former government employees who tried to warn us, smeared the messenger. Why doesn't the fact that so many of them have told the same story make you wonder about the lies of this adminstration?

Garrett said...

Hey, freeper moron -- try reading the second comment on the post.

Garrett said...

This is particularly hilarious, btw, considering you don't want to be called by _your_ real name on this blog.