Wednesday, October 10, 2007


This is what I have been trying to say:

Yes, the Frost children are victims, but not of conservatives. They look more like victims of a couple of mostly spoiled brats who became parents and never felt compelled to take responsibility for themselves when it came to the bottom line on that. There are poor people in America who need help, particularly as regards Health care. The point is, the family above shouldn't be and simply aren't among them. Call Dad next time you want some bucks FH. And kindly leave the rest of America's collective wallet the hell alone.

Or, hey, get a second job with benefits. I've done that more than once in my life when I needed the cash. And do it before you let Graeme tell the media how much you struggle to take care of him, because there are enough people in America who really do struggle with these issues. And when they take a look at your lot in life they are left far from impressed and unmoved to cough up one thin dime so you can enjoy afternoons playing with your lathe, or whatever the hell else it is you do in your factory.

I don't see someone who needs my help in F Halsey Frost. I see a simpleton and a loser who had more kids than he could afford and doesn't appear to have given up very much in life to deal with that situation. Who knows, maybe Dad figured it out, too and cut him off. What the hell, there's always welfare, right?


Gonzo said...

I'm going to comment on my own post.

I really feel for the Frosts insofar as no one should have to endure the injuries their kids suffered and it's great that the SCHIP program came through for them.

I just wanted to make the point that I have no personal animus against their family, just their misuse as poster children.

Garrett said...

You. Fucking. Asshole.

So tell me, Gonzo, just how much therapy for a brain-damaged granddaughter do you think a classic car is going to pay for? One week? If that?

Grow out and get a life, dickhead.

Gonzo said...

It would pay the medical parts of the expense if they'd get insurance. And school systems are required to account for any learning issues.

I know.

Unlike you I have kids and I also have a child with severe difficulties.

Again, ask me why I am so incensed by this family? Because I made hard choices and gave up things that were dear to me for my kids sake and didn't expect someone else to foot the bill.

Garrett said...

"Because I made hard choices and gave up things that were dear to me for my kids sake and didn't expect someone else to foot the bill."

Fucking hypocrite.

You just reposted an article bitching out the _grandfather_ for not footing the bill.

I'm done with this shit: you're not worth engaging with anymore. Go play with your little Freeper friends and keep telling everyone less fortunate than you that it's their own fault.

Gonzo said...

How the fuck am I a hypocrite? You don't see me fiddling at my favorite hobby while my family is forced on government assistance, do you?

You're only mad because you are wrong and, typical of liberal shitheads, can't stand being proven wrong.

SeattleSusieQ said...

A number of people have made the point that the Frost family, whose son Graeme went on the air to rebut President Bush's SCHIP mendacity and was subsequently attacked by right wing bloggers and talking heads, are actually a conservative Republican wet dream. E.J. Dione does it today:

Conservatives claim to be in favor of stable families, small businesses, hard work, private schools, investment and homeownership. So why in the world are so many on the right attacking the family of Graeme Frost?

Why? A number of folks say that it's because the right wing is always in war mode, always ready to attack anyone -- even a 12 year old -- who questions their political positions. Others say it's because they are just meanies, like Dionne says. Others are just perplexed and use this to demonstrate the idiocy of the right wing noise machine.

But I think it gets deeper than any of those reasons. Graeme Frost's family actually proves the conservatives wrong, demonstrating in one crisp clear shining example that even if you do everything the American myth tells you to your family may still need a helping hand to get by!

On the economic message the Frosts own their own business and commercial property, have two jobs, work hard and own their own home. On the social front, they are a white nuclear family that goes to church and stayed married even after the incredible stress of two kids being severely hurt in a car accident that was not their fault. On the education side, they used government support (like vouchers) to opt out of public school and go to private school.
They work hard, own property, didn't divorce, had children, use private schools and they still need extra help from the government just to get by.

This goes against everything the conservative Republicans tell us about how to live our lives. They tell us if we live like the Frosts we will succeed and have great lives and retirements. And if someone does need government help she is a welfare queen or he is a crook.

But the Frosts, and hundreds of thousands (and maybe millions) or other families in the United States, demonstrate perfectly that the conservative Republican myth is a, well, myth. The right wingers must prove that the Frosts are corrupt, cheating the system, liars in order to protect their ethos.

It's the same reason that soldiers who spend three tours in Afghanistan in Iraq who oppose the war are "phony soldiers" or too weak of mind to think for themselves. It goes against the Myth of the Valiant Soldier Who We Must Always Support.

It's the same reason evangelical Christian leaders who want to expand poverty programs or environmental controls are booted out of the Dobson family. It goes against the Myth That The Poor Are Poor By Choice and the Myth That Jesus Is Coming So Who Cares About The Earth.
It's the same reason the people stuck in the Superdome were perverts, child molesters and murders. It goes against the Myth That If They Didn't Deserve To Suffer They Would Have Gotten Out Earlier.

And now the Frosts show up with their pin and pop the The Myth Of The Hard Working White American Family and the rabid beast was awakened again. The right wingers hope that if they scream loud enough no one will notice that they were, once again, dead wrong and their policies and beliefs do not stand up to any kind of experiential or logical examination.

It's better to destroy a family than to destroy a Myth.

by huntsu

Gonzo said...

Dionne overgeneralizes. I repeat for the millionth time - I don't mind my tax dollars going to people that truly need help.

As to being an entrepeneur, an important aspect is knowing when to "seek shelter from the storm" and put aside your dreams temporarily to secure your family.

It is an agonizing decision that I have had to make twice in the last 15 years or so.

Some people push it too long and too hard and the family suffers.

Let's be honest here, Suzie, we really don't know all of the circumstances that got them where they are now.

The amount of money the guy makes, taking into account his wife's income and rental income from the business property must be miniscule.

Personally, I would be freaking out and throwing resumes all over the place.

Let's be reasonable and fair about this...if we re-examine the Frosts in a year and they're still in the financial weeds, would you agree with me that I may have a point about responsibility?

If, however, his business is picking up and their better off, I will concede that I picked the wrong fight and leapt to the wrong conclusion.

Does that seem reasonable to you?