Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Probable treason, but Bush will get away with it.

Leak severs link to al-Qaeda’s secrets

Firm says Bush administration’s handling of video ruined its spying efforts

Bush gives the film to Fox News before the FBI even gets it. Imagine if Clinton had done this.

These guys make me sick.


Gonzo said...

OK, Suze, take the medication. It's not treason by any stretch.

But I will agree it's a gross mishandling of information. I hate to see us outing classified data for photo ops.

Garrett said...

Sandy Berger, anyone?

Garrett said...

Heck, forget Sandy Berger, how about Valerie Wilson? Where's the outrage, Gonz?

Gonzo said...

Maybe Berger was getting ready to play a game with Plame (guess what's down my pants, Valerie?).


I don't care to rehash Plame.